====== Primary Market ====== Part of the [[en:capital-market|capital market]] where new [[financial instruments]] are sold and bought. An instrument can be sold only once in the primary market. Funds raised in the primary market go directly to the issuer (the government or a corporation). When a company issues stocks in the capital market for the first time, the sale is called initial public offering ([[en:ipo|IPO]]). Once issued, the instruments sold on the primary market can be traded again on the [[en:secondary-market|secondary market]]. ===== Function of the Primary Market ===== The primary market serves as a way to facilitate [[capital formation]] in the economy. [[Capital goods]] are those good that have the capacity to increase the supply of [[consumption goods]] in the future. Many companies issue instruments on the primary market to carry out new investments. Also, many investments are done with the expectation of obtaining a profit by issuing stocks in the primary market. ===== See also: ===== [[en:ipo|IPO]]\\ [[secondary market]]