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BIOETHANOL: is a corrosive and oxygenate ethyl alcohol, high purity, obtained from renewable plant material. BIODIESEL: is obtained from oils, which may come from seeds, used cooking oil, or animal oils. BIOGAS: Biogas can be obtained from organic waste garbage of cities; This gas is processed and used to generate electricity.


Currently all renewables together provide about 19% of world energy. Of these only 0.8% of total energy comes from biofuels (updated to 2013 data). Investment in biofuels had its highest peak in 2007 at 28.2 billion was the figure that year was devoted to new investments in biofuels.

PRODUCING REGIONS America: leads in biodiesel and ethanol production; major producers: USA, Argentina, Brazil and Canada. Europe: France stands out as biodiesel and ethanol producer, ranking fourth and fifth respectively at the global level. Asia: is rapidly increasing production of both. Indonesia is the fifth largest producer of biodiesel; while China is the third largest producer of ethanol. ETHANOL: Global ethanol production in 2012 was estimated at 83.1 billion liters, 1.3% less than the volume of 2011 average world price of ethanol in 2012 was around 85 cents per liter. BIODIESEL: In 2012 reached a level of 22.5 billion liters compared with 22.4 billion liters in 2011 The global average price of biodiesel by 2012 was around USD 1.5/litro . .

SOURCES Global renewable energy investment trends in 2014 ; Frankfut School -UNEP Collaborating Centre. Renewable 2013 Global Status Report.


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en/biofuel.1509970656.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/06 07:17 by federico