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en:commercial-policy [2015/09/24 17:02]
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-====== Commercial policy ====== 
-Commercial policy is the part of the [[economic policy]] of a country, that is related with the [[international trade]] of a country. The instruments of the commercial policy are mainly: 
-  * [[imports]] and [[exports]] [[tariffs]] 
-  * [[quantitative restrictions]] 
-  * [[subsidies]] 
-International trade has an influence in 
-  * [[employment]] and [[GDP]] 
-  * availability of goods and services 
-  * [[exchange rate]] and [[international reserves]] 
-Commercial Agreements 
-- **[[Bilateral agreements]]**:​ an agreement between 2 countries, to reduce or eliminate some tariffs. Example: the bilateral agreement between United States and Chile eliminated 90% of tariffs on US exports to Chile and 95% of Chilean exports to the U.S. 
-- **[[Free trade agreements]] between 3 or more countries**:​ Example, United States, Mexico and Canada signed an agreement to create the North American Free Trade Agreement ([[NAFTA]]). The agreement eliminated more than 50% of tariffs of exports from Mexico to the US and more than 33% of tariffs of exports from the US to Mexico. All tariffs between Canada and Mexico where eliminated, with the exception of some agricultural goods ((http://​​trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/​agr-acc/​nafta-alena/​tariff-accel.aspx?​lang=en)). 
-- **[[Custom unions]]**: commercial barriers are eliminated and external tariffs are unified. An example of a custom union is the Southern Common Market ([[MERCOSUR]]). The Mercosur is a custom union between Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Uruguay and Paraguay. Some tariffs bewteen the members of the mercosur where eliminated and external tariffs where unified. 
-- **[[Free economic areas]]**: a custom union, plus the liberalization of [[production factors]] and coordination of [[monetary policy]]. Example: [[European Union]] is an economic union of 28 European countries. There is a free movement of goods, capital, services and people between the European Union. The EU has a common [[currency]],​ the Euro, and a common [[monetary policy]], managed by the EU [[central bank]]. 
en/commercial-policy.1443128549.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/24 17:02 by