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Recursos Perpetuos

Los recursos perpetuos son aquellos elementos que pueden ser utilizados por el hombre para satisfacer ciertas necesidades y que no se agotan con su utilización. Los recursos perpetuos son recursos renovables naturales: son provistos por la naturaleza sin intervención humana y son renovables porque se regeneran luego de ser utilizados.

Ejemplos de recursos perpetuos son:

  • Energía eólica
  • Energía solar
  • Energía geotermal

Si bien la cantidad de recursos perpetuos disponibles es enorme, actualmente, en gran parte de las regiones, hay alternativas mas baratas de producir energía. La mayor parte de la energía eléctrica proviene de otro tipo de recursos, como los combustibles fósiles. A pesar de esto, los recursos perpetuos como fuente de energía eléctrica tienen un futuro promisorio: nuevos descubrimientos científicos y avances tecnológicos están permitiendo reducir los costos de producir electricidad a partir de recursos perpetuos.

Saying that a natural resource is perpetual, doesn't mean that it utilization doesn't have an impact on the ecosystem. For example, a wind turbines park can have a very negative effect on the ecosystem of the region where it is placed. The direct generation of electricity or other forms of energy from perpetual resources doesn't generate carbon dioxide emissions, but CO2 emissions can be generated indirectly, for example, to build a solar panel or a wind turbine.

Wind Energy

Wind is caused by heat from the energy of the sun. Wind doesn't decrease when used.

By using wind turbines, the wind can be used to produce electricity. The share of wind electricity is 2.6%, but it is much higher is some countries that have locations with constant wind and beneficial economical terms, like Denmark and Portugal (5.3% and 4.6% share of wind energy consumption) 1)

Solar Energy

The radiation of the sun can be utilized to heat water, which in turn can be used to produce electricity (solar thermal electricity) or as domestic or industrial hot water; and to produce electricity directly (solar photovoltaic electricity).

To produce solar thermal electricity, the sun energy is concentrated by the utilization of an element, like a mirror, and then used to heat water. The heated water is used to drive a turbine that outputs electrical current.

To produce solar photovoltaic electricity, a panel containing solar photovoltaic cells is used to convert the radiation into electricity.

Like wind, there are places where the radiation of the sun is higher and thus more suitable for the installation of solar power plants. Countries like Cyprus and Spain, are producing a lot of energy from the sun. (3.2%, 2.3% share of solar energy in total consumption respectively 2))

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is derived from the natural heat of the earth. It doesn't decrease when used. The heat from the earth can be used in some specific geographical places where hot water or streams are near the surface. This energy can be used to generate electricity or as hot water for residential or industrial usage.


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es/perpetual-resources.1443302292.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/26 17:18 by federico