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Which of the following is a renewable resource?

  1. Water?
  2. Fish?
  3. Wind?
  4. Fossil Fuel?
  5. Wood?
  6. Natural Gas?



Drinkable water can be a renewable resource as long as its use is not greater than it's renewal rate and as long as the water stock is not contaminated. It can be renewable because it has a rain cycle. In some places, water could become non renewable in one place, if the stock is contaminated, the population growth is high or if the repletion rate lowers, for example, if there is less rainfall in one geographical place (because of climate change).


Fish can be a renewable resource as long as the consumption rate is not bigger than the renewal rate and the consumption doesn't have an impact in the ecosystem that could cause a lower renewal rate.


Wind is caused by heat from the energy of the sun. It doesn't decrease when used. It is renewable.

Fossil Fuel

No. They are not renewed. It consumption causes a reduction of the stock.


Like fish, it can be considered renewable as long as the consumption rate is not bigger than the renewal rate and the consumption doesn't have an impact in the ecosystem that could cause a lower renewal rate. Anyway, it must be taken into account that the economic use of natural forest will cause a negative impact in the ecosystem and in the climate, even if it's renewable.

Natural Gas

No. Natural gas was formed million of years ago and the stock is not renewed after it's use.

See also


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en/which-of-the-following-is-a-renewable-resource.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/17 14:44 by federico